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Sunday, March 22, 2009

Wine cured Chuan Xiong (Lovage root)

1. Extraction . . . 'Rhizoma Chuanxiong'
Lovage plant is harvested in Sichuan province by GAP producers in May.
It is warm and pungent in property and acts on the liver, gall bladder and pericardium meridians.

2. Production

The Lovage plant tuber is cleaned, dried in the sun, stripped of its fibrous root, then cut into slices at a GMP factory.

100kg of the crude herb is sprayed and soaked in 10kg of yellow wine, then stir-fried on a soft flame until dark yellow and crispy with crinkled/polygonal annulations.

3. Distribution

GSP's sell the products into hospitals, pharmacies and online.

Average online price - $8.00 per 200 pills.

4. Consumer

Crude herb activates blood and promotes qi flow.

Wine cured Chuan Xiong also activates blood and qi flow as well as dispelling wind and removing pain caused by evil heat.

In TCM terms, this medicine treats aversion to cold and fever, dizziness, nasal obstruction, thin and whitish lingual fur, and superficial and slippery pulse due to exogenous pathogenic wind.

Medical Thesaurus

  • fibrous (adj.)- containing fibres
  • crude (adj.)- raw/uncooked
  • crinkled polygonal annulations (adj. + n)- wavy lines on the cooked Lovage root
  • pungent (adj.)- a strong, sharp smell
  • activate (v)- to start
  • dispel (v)- to get rid of
  • aversion (n)- dislike
  • nasal obstruction (adj. + n)- blocked nose
  • lingual (adj.)- tongue area
  • superficial (adj.)- false or minor indication, usually near skin surface
  • slippery (adj.)- not precise or fixed
  • exogenous (adj.)- causes that come from outside the body
  • endogenous (adj.)- causes that come from inside the body
  • pathogenic (adj.)- capable of causing disease

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